Wednesdays this summer, I'm tutoring a high school student in French. It's a pretty easy way to make some money $20/hour and it's great working with someone one-on-one instead of the classroom setting. I think I might continue this later on throughout the school year, especially if some students want to come to my house!!! This girl lives about 25-30 minutes away so it's quite a trek for Claire and I, however, I can't complain because it's only a short period of time.
Last night I was asked to be the treasurer for our church! A woman recommended me who is presently the treasurer, but going through some hard times. I enjoy paying bills, sounds weird, but it's true... Brian thinks I'd enjoy being an accountant cuz I am very detail oriented. I had thought about becoming an accountant so maybe I will someday.
I want to open an ING savings account a friend of ours told us about. I'm waiting on details about it, but it'd earn us a few extra pennies on our savings without requiring us to sign our lives away!!!
Tomorrow we leave for family camp at Wallowa Lake for the weekend. I'm excited to have a restful time once we get there, however, I'm praying that Claire will cooperate during the five hour car ride!!! Last car ride didn't go so well, but she did produce a tooth the next day so I think that's why she was so uncomfortable. Thank God for babies!!!